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Splenda Dessert Cookbook More Splendid Desserts

Back in 1992, Jennifer's first cookbook, "Splendid Desserts" represented an International first - the first cookbook ever to use the new revolutionary sweetener Splenda in all it's recipes and within 6 months it became a National Bestseller. People liked it so much, they insisted on a sequel, and thus the even more ambitious "More Splendid Desserts" was born, only this time it was done in concert with the Diabetes Association, drawing on their tremendously valuable skills in analyzing the desserts and ensuring that accurate FOOD CHOICE VALUES were used. It too is a truly inspired collection of Reduced Carb and Reduced Fat recipes ... including one's commonly thought to be"off limits "; all specifically tailored for those folks trying to manage living with Diabetes, and those trying to avoid sugar, and those folks trying to diet effectively. Still, many years later, the popularity of this book endures! Now, by substituting the truly stupendous bake-mixes (detailed in "Splendid Low-Carbing" and "More Splendid Low-Carbing"), in recipes wherever flour is used, and Butter for Margarine, Carbs can be even further reduced and most all these many "More Splendid Dessert" recipes become quite acceptable for most popular low-carb diets, giving low-carbers instant access to many "tried and true" fabulous Sugar Free Splenda based Desserts and Baked goodies!
Like so many folks, Jennifer has always had to "Watch her weight", we both have, so imagine the dangers involved in having to test and eat a lot of very sumptuous desserts as well as many other tasty dishes, while developing all of her fabulous cookbooks, over the last 12 years. BUT, as you can see by following the pictures of her on the back of all of her books, all that testing and eating so well has not resulted in "runaway weight gain" - even though, when she was starting out, she also was passing into that treacherous period known as "Mid-life" ... you know, that time in life when most of us struggle with our weight, even more than ever before! What better Testimonial for these books then ... than Jennifer herself. She has managed to keep her weight under control all these years, and manages to stay trim and healthy, even while eating some very rich and tasty foods! Her four truly Inspired books represent "Enjoyable, Healthy, Satisfying and Sensible eating". To quote Jennifer ... "Bon Apetit!"

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More Splendid Desserts, (also a National Bestseller) is the perfect cookbook for people who want to reduce their sugar intake, and who are concerned about their dental health but who crave scrumptious cakes, pies, confections, ice cream, puddings and squares. After confirming that the ground breaking sugar substitute Sucralose marketed as SPLENDA Low-Calorie Sweetener, was safe for use by her family, Jennifer Eloff went on to create a variety of delicious desserts that have the taste and texture of their calorie-rich alternatives but with less fat and no sugar added. Inside are recipes for heavenly, guilt-free Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake, Frozen Grasshopper Pie, Raspberry Banana Trifle, Nanaimo Custard Slices, truffles, brownies, jams and much more. The Canadian Diabetes Association’s expertise was enlisted, and their food choice values and symbols accompany each recipe, which for desserts, by the way, are identical to those used by the USA Diabetes association. Also, to ensure you’re getting the lowdown on calories, fat, fiber and carbohydrates, a detailed nutritional analysis is provided. More Splendid Desserts has also been translated into French and sold under the title Les desserts sans sucre in France, Switzerland, Belgium and Canada. Jennifer Eloff, author of the national bestsellers More Splendid Desserts and Splendid Desserts. and Splendid Low-Carbing now has a new book published, Splendid Low-Carbing. Jennifer is co-founder of and is happily married to her childhood sweetheart of 32 years. They have two teenage sons and a red little foxy friend, called Happy. Together, they all live in "Chalet Rose", a warm and cozy Log Home in the heart of the awesome Canadian Rockies, where Jennifer home schools their sons.

More Splendid Desserts
(Table of Contents)

The Canadian Diabetes Association’s Information Page
Helpful Hints
Smoothies, Shakes and Other Drinks
Muffins, Buns and Sweet Breads
Cakes and Coffee Cakes
Pies and Pastries
Puddings, Trifles and Frozen Desserts
Confections, Cookies, Brownies and Squares
Frostings, Sauces, Butters and Jams
Order Card Page

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Copyright matters:

McNeil Specialty Products Company and Lifescan are subsidiaries of Johnson and Johnson and these are all copyrighted and trademark names. They own the copyrights to Splenda, Sucralose, the Splenda Logo, the Lifescan logo and all associated Logos and trade names used (with their permission) in our books and on this web site. SPLENDA low-Calorie Sweetener  is the registered trademark of McNeil-PPC Inc. Please respect the copyrights and trademarks etc. mentioned above. SPLENDA® Low-Calorie Sweetener is the registered trademark of McNeil-PPC, Inc. Their Logos are displayed with their permission. Neither McNeil Specialty Products nor McNeil Consumer Products Company have been involved in the development, production or distribution of this cookbook.

Da Vinci® Gourmet is the registered trademark of Da Vinci Gourmet, Ltd. Their Logos are displayed with their permission. They have not been involved in the development or production of this cookbook.

As well, all Pictures, Music, graphics and Text residing in this web site or in these books are protected by international copyright. Jennifer owns those copyrights and no material may be used or reproduced (in any format - even partially) without her consent. You may point to any of our Web content and images etc. (for non-commercial purposes only) from your Web pages, providing proper acknowledgement is given, but they must not be copied or altered in any way without her prior permission. If you have any questions about Copyright matters, Email Jennifer at the address below.

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